
Close More Sales With Killer Testimonials

In today’s guest post Mikhail Yourtaev shares some of his sales expertise and knowledge in:

Close More Sales With Killer Testimonials

by Mikhail Yourtaev

"Close More Sales With Killer Testimonials" by Mikhail Yourtaev

Every sales process should have testimonials to build trust with a prospect.There is no doubt that powerful testimonials from previous or existing customers will boost your chances of converting new sales because testimonials connect with the natural human desire to find consensus before making a purchase. Most people are followers and before deciding to make a purchase, people love to comfort themselves that they are making the correct decision by researching what others are saying about the product or service that you are offering.

3 Types of Testimonials

  • Written testimonials
  • Audio testimonials
  • Video testimonials.

Nail these 3 types of testimonials and you will increase your sales. Prepare to delve deeper into each of these testimonials.

Written Testimonials

Written testimonials are the least effective of the three types. This is because there is not a lot of trust that can be built as new age consumers are more savvy than they were previously and realize that written testimonials can be fake. Therefore because scammers use fake written testimonials as a sales conversion technique to profiteer from selling bad products or services to customers, genuine ethical marketers suffer as well. Thus the need arises for a different type of testimonial.

Audio Testimonials

Audio testimonials are better than written as there is a genuine human voice that can be heard. Your prospect can also hear the emotions in your satisfied customers voice. If those emotions are positive, which they should be than your prospect attributes these positive emotions to your service or product. Your prospect can imagine themselves being in the same position as your satisfied customer for whom you have solved a problem.

Video Testimonials

Video testimonials are the best type of testimonial that you can acquire from a satisfied customer. This is because your prospect can now not only hear but also see your customers. Your prospect can also see and hear the emotions that your satisfied customers are experiencing when they are talking about your service or product. This builds trust between you and your prospect. Therefore bringing them closer in buying your service or product.

Bonus Super Tactic

Get awesome results by using this simple template when acquiring testimonials to use in your sales process. Ask your customers the following 3 questions to get killer results.

What was life, like before using your service or product?

What is life, like now using your product or service?

What will life, be like in 12 months and beyond using your product or service?

These 3 questions create a big brighter future for your prospects. Your prospects can see and hear how your product or service has added value to the life of your satisfied customers and your prospects will imagine the same transformation in their lives. Thus building trust and bringing them a step closer in buying from you.

What if the prospect does not buy?

Well you have built trust and can now enjoy building a relationship with your new prospect and you never know this prospect can turn into a life-long customer.


Do what ever it takes to acquire killer testimonials from satisfied customers, especially video testimonials. Try to gather these testimonials when your customers emotions are highest, which is when they are using your service and product and it is adding value to their lives. Happy testimonial hunting.

About Mikhail Yourtaev

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Article Source: Close More Sales With Killer Testimonials

Article expert: Mikhail Yourtaev

Testimonials 3

In this weeks guest post Merlyn Sanchez discusses the subject of testimonials and coaches.


by Merlyn Sanchez

One of the challenges coaches and consultants face when marketing their products and services is the issue of credibility. Prospects have a natural wariness which only increases with higher priced items and services. If they aren’t familiar with you and your company, the decision process can take much longer or even stall.

There are a few ways to overcome skepticism but one of the best is using endorsements from satisfied clients. Unfortunately, many coaches often neglect this simple but powerful tactic. Well-written testimonials create believability, credibility, and a sense of security for your prospective client. They set you apart from other coaches and help you break down buyer resistance. It’s no longer about you telling your prospects how great you are, now they have a recommendation from objective, third-party individuals who have invested in your product and service.

“But I feel uncomfortable asking my clients for testimonials”

Many people are uncomfortable asking for testimonials. But it doesn’t have to be a daunting task. In fact, testimonials can be incorporated into your business process as part of the regular check-in that you should already be doing with your clients. Additional benefits include:

o Customers become active partners in your business which can further your relationship and lead to repeat business and referrals.

o Asking for testimonials keeps you proactive in ensuring that you’re delivering outstanding customer service.

“How Do I Ask for Testimonials”

There are several keys to asking for compelling and effective testimonials:

1. Strike while the iron is hot, ask for testimonials as soon you’ve provided your service or sold your product.

2. Ask for specific details of how your business or service has positively improved their situation or solved their problem. Request specific “before and after” measurements.

Here is an example of a testimonial which offers specific details about the benefits they received:
“We were able to sell our house for $20,000 more than other houses in our neighborhood and we credit our real estate agent, Jane Doe. She brought us qualified, motivated buyers and our house sold even sooner than we expected. We can’t say enough about Jane’s professionalism and hard work.”

3. If at all possible, include your client’s full name, industry, profession, and location. Testimonials by “B.K.” aren’t as believable as one by “Barbara King of Seattle, WA”.

4. Always make sure that you ask for permission before you use a testimonial. Most people will agree but it’ll prevent any problems with clients who might not want to have their testimonial used for promotional purposes.

5. Thank your clients for their recommendation and let them know how important their support is to the growth of your business. If appropriate, send them a gift card or small token of appreciation.

“I’ve got testimonials, now what?”

There are countless ways to use your testimonials for maximum leverage. Here are just a few:

1. Use testimonials on your website. One option is to have a separate page on your website for testimonials. This can be very impressive, particularly if you have many testimonials. However, it’s also a good idea to include one or two on all the pages of your site. For example, if you have a testimonial about your ezine, include it on the sign-up page.

2. Include testimonials in your advertising. People are skeptical of ads so having a success story can significantly increase your response rate.

3. Create a “brag” book. You can keep this at your business and use it during sales presentations.

4. Include a link to a testimonials page in your email signature.

5. Testimonials will increase the impact of all your marketing material, including brochures, direct mail pieces, proposals, and public relations materials.

Famous advertising guru, David Ogilvy said that “Testimonials increase credibility and sales”. Make a commitment to ask all your clients for a recommendation and find more ways to use them to grow your business. The results will be worth it.

Copyright 2007 – Merlyn Sanchez

About the Author/Further Resources

Merlyn Sanchez, Business Coach and Marketing Consultant teaches coaches, consultants, and other solopreneurs how to attract more clients, make more sales and have more time to enjoy their lives. For a free report outlining the “8 SMART Strategies that Successful Business Owners Use to Attract More Clients”, visit: www.smartbusinessowners.com