Mikhail Yourtaev

9 Tips on How to Successfully Live Stream with Periscope, Meerkat & Blab

In today’s guest post Mikhail Yourtaev shares practically about one type of marketing strategy

9 Tips on How to Successfully Live Stream with Periscope, Meerkat & Blab

by Mikhail Yourtaev

"9 Tips on How to Successfully Live Stream with Periscope, Meerkat & Blab" by Mikhail Yourtaev

If your not live streaming, Why Not? . . . You should be and the earlier you get started the more success you will have. Why?

Because its a really fast growing medium, where you can share your content and expertise with the entire world. But is it viable for business . . . Well you can decide on that from these figures . . .

To watch interview on Periscope Success Click Here

I have now met 2 coaches/marketers who have sold more than 5 figures in 5 weeks using live streaming, I have been on Periscopes where there are over 1000 viewers. Another marketer has got the attention of a CEO of a 30 billion dollar company. The CEO has over 1.5M followers on Twitter and only follows 148 and has now followed this particular marketer. Ultimate goal for the marketer is to interview the CEO on a Google Hangout and he has almost got the interview. Mind Blowing, Right? So you be the judge.

A social media coach has increased his business by 30% by using live streaming.

For live streaming there are 3 main platforms Periscope, Meerkat and Blab.im. I have used Periscope and Blab.im. Periscope is owned by Twitter so when you start a live stream it automatically posts to Twitter that you are live streaming. Blab is also integrated with Twitter also send out push notifications to your followers when you start a live stream . . . BRILLLIAAANT!

I have been using live streaming with Periscope myself for the last 2 weeks and the results are as follows:

1st cast I had just over 20 live viewers without any prior marketing, by the 3rd cast I had 85 live viewers. I have now done 8 Periscope and the live viewers are always between 60-90 viewers. Engagement is very high and you can pick up replay viewers too!

Persicope and Meerkat is yourself broadcasting to the world, but on blab.im you can have up to 4 people chatting together. I utilize periscope to broadcast live coaching calls, where as blab.im you can do a hot seat or interview other experts in your niche to provide vale for your prospects and clients. Because it is live and it is video know, like and trust can be built very quickly and a prospect can experience you as a coach and get a taste of your teaching before becoming a full time client.

Tips to get started . . .

  1. Have a GREAT internet connection. You will lose your audience if you have bad connection.
  2. Have great audio and video. I would suggest investing in a good mic that plugs into your phone, if you are going to be serious about it. I recommend using a Rode SmartLav +. Get the SmartLav + and not just the SmartLav. You can also enhance your video by using an olloclip. Don’t know what it is check it out here: http://www.olloclip.com/.
  3. Experiment with different times to determine when your audience is most active. For best results I found early morning or evening. Think about when your audience has dead time.
  4. To get better results, use social media to notify your followers you will be live streaming and what your topic will be about. Use twitter hashtagsin your title to get more reach. I usually tweet 1 hour before and then another tweet 10mins before the live streaming starts.
  5. Do a Q & A or Just give away your best content to grow a following quickly. You can delete a periscope immediately after finishing your live stream. If you don’t delete the replay, the replay stays up for 24hrs and then gets removed. There is an option in Periscope that you can set up so that your scope is recorded to your camera roll. You can than upload this to Youtube or your website. Genius!
  6.  Follow experts in your niche and join their Periscopes. Engage with the expert and share your knowledge and also ask thought provoking questions. If you positively differentiate yourself and the expert starts engaging with you, the expert will follow you and also recommend you to their followers.
  7. When you start your scopes ask the audience to invite their followers on Periscope and Twitter before you drop your value bombs! Very quick way to grow a following.
  8. Be consistent. Find a time that works with you and your audience and do a scope daily or every second day whatever works for you, but just be consistent.
  9. Have FUN! Be Yourself and Enjoy It!

Exclusive interview with a tested step-by-step live streaming strategy here . . .

Remember Live streaming is still new so by starting out now you can quickly become an expert on live streaming and have plenty of business opportunities in the future to train and teach others

One last point to consider . . . If you knew how BIG Youtube would become and had a opportunity to be an early adopter would you have started earlier on Youtube? You probably would have . . . well this is the next big thing in social media and growing very fast. So go out there and start live streaming.

Hey and don’t forget to invite me along for you first live stream and the rest of the journey my Twitter and Periscope handle is @MikhailYourtaev. Please feel free to contact me for advice.

About Mikhail Yourtaev

Helping businesses to increase their sales by 25% or more within 6-9 months.
Husband, Father, Business Turbo-Charger.


Close More Sales With Killer Testimonials

In today’s guest post Mikhail Yourtaev shares some of his sales expertise and knowledge in:

Close More Sales With Killer Testimonials

by Mikhail Yourtaev

"Close More Sales With Killer Testimonials" by Mikhail Yourtaev

Every sales process should have testimonials to build trust with a prospect.There is no doubt that powerful testimonials from previous or existing customers will boost your chances of converting new sales because testimonials connect with the natural human desire to find consensus before making a purchase. Most people are followers and before deciding to make a purchase, people love to comfort themselves that they are making the correct decision by researching what others are saying about the product or service that you are offering.

3 Types of Testimonials

  • Written testimonials
  • Audio testimonials
  • Video testimonials.

Nail these 3 types of testimonials and you will increase your sales. Prepare to delve deeper into each of these testimonials.

Written Testimonials

Written testimonials are the least effective of the three types. This is because there is not a lot of trust that can be built as new age consumers are more savvy than they were previously and realize that written testimonials can be fake. Therefore because scammers use fake written testimonials as a sales conversion technique to profiteer from selling bad products or services to customers, genuine ethical marketers suffer as well. Thus the need arises for a different type of testimonial.

Audio Testimonials

Audio testimonials are better than written as there is a genuine human voice that can be heard. Your prospect can also hear the emotions in your satisfied customers voice. If those emotions are positive, which they should be than your prospect attributes these positive emotions to your service or product. Your prospect can imagine themselves being in the same position as your satisfied customer for whom you have solved a problem.

Video Testimonials

Video testimonials are the best type of testimonial that you can acquire from a satisfied customer. This is because your prospect can now not only hear but also see your customers. Your prospect can also see and hear the emotions that your satisfied customers are experiencing when they are talking about your service or product. This builds trust between you and your prospect. Therefore bringing them closer in buying your service or product.

Bonus Super Tactic

Get awesome results by using this simple template when acquiring testimonials to use in your sales process. Ask your customers the following 3 questions to get killer results.

What was life, like before using your service or product?

What is life, like now using your product or service?

What will life, be like in 12 months and beyond using your product or service?

These 3 questions create a big brighter future for your prospects. Your prospects can see and hear how your product or service has added value to the life of your satisfied customers and your prospects will imagine the same transformation in their lives. Thus building trust and bringing them a step closer in buying from you.

What if the prospect does not buy?

Well you have built trust and can now enjoy building a relationship with your new prospect and you never know this prospect can turn into a life-long customer.


Do what ever it takes to acquire killer testimonials from satisfied customers, especially video testimonials. Try to gather these testimonials when your customers emotions are highest, which is when they are using your service and product and it is adding value to their lives. Happy testimonial hunting.

About Mikhail Yourtaev

Do you want to learn more timeless sales strategies? Grab your FREE training HERE: http://www.easysalestraining.com


Article Source: Close More Sales With Killer Testimonials

Article expert: Mikhail Yourtaev