ideal clients

How To Get High-End Clients When You DON’T Have A Big List (Yet!)

As a bonus today – we have an extra guest post where “The Marketing Goddess”, Elizabeth Purvis shares her expertise and advice about finding high-end clients, even if you haven’t got a big list.

How To Get High-End Clients When You DON’T Have A Big List (Yet!)

By Elizabeth Purvis

One of the biggest questions I hear about Platinum is this: “Can I offer Platinum Programs even if I don’t have a list?”

The answer is… yes! 😀

Whether you’re new in business, or just never got around to building a list in any systematic fashion (and if that’s you, no worries, you’re definitely NOT alone), you can still offer Platinum programs.

Indeed, Platinum Programs are perhaps THE best way to create significant income WITHOUT a big list, or even a list at all.

Why? Because all you need to get new Platinum clients is:

a. A well-designed, irresistible Platinum-style program

b. The willingness to be in conversation with a potential client

That’s it!

No matter what business you’re in or where you are in your business right now, you have a tremendous opportunity to create a high-end offer your ideal clients will love.

And while you may be skeptical, it’s well-known in marketing circles that a certain percentage of the clients in every business – sometimes up to 20% – want a high-end or premium level of service.

(Even pizza parlors and dry cleaners have pulled this off. So can YOU.)

So what do you do when you don’t have a list?

Well, my clients will tell you that I’m a huge fan of hand-inviting – that is, reaching out to people already in your circle and making a personal, heartfelt invitation.

(Indeed, this is the “low hanging fruit” lead generation strategy I start everyone with, whether they have a list or not. I also give them specific scripts so they know exactly what to say.)

And rather than coming across as “pushy” (which is what so many heart-centered entrepreneurs fear, which keeps them stopped in their tracks), you will be amazed at how much your clients will appreciate that you thought of them, and cared enough about them to let them know.

So my coach’s request for you for this tip is to think of the people in your circle right now. Who really needs your help to step into their greatness? Who would you LOVE to work with in a deeper, richer way?

If you can’t think of anyone, don’t let that take you out. Get support from a buddy on the brainstorming, because I promise you, they’re there.

At this point, I’ve mentored hundreds of entrepreneurs and I have YET to find a single one who did NOT have ideal clients in their sphere already – even people who live in the proverbial “middle of nowhere.” That’s why I’m so confident about this one.

So do this simple exercise and see what pops for you, ok? You’re going to get some ideas on how to be of service – and that’s always a good thing. 🙂

About the Author/Further Resources

Elizabeth Purvis, “The Marketing Goddess,” mentors extraordinary spiritual women entrepreneurs to 6-figures and beyond.

Known for blending proven Internet marketing strategy and spiritual principles, Elizabeth teaches her clients how to use the path of spiritual entrepreneurship to manifest their mission and live their true calling. She is passionate about empowering spirit-led, purpose-driven women with the 6-figure mindset, energetic tools AND practical authentic marketing strategies to create their dream lifestyle while changing the world.

Elizabeth is the creator of Get Clients In 30 Days! How To Add 10 Clients To Your Business Practically Overnight – Even If You’re Starting From Scratch and The Abundant Business System, a step-by-step marketing and business-building system especially for spiritual women entrepreneurs. A professional fiction writer, Elizabeth has worked with such publishers as Llewellyn Worldwide, Desperado Publishing and Image Comics.

A life-long “Northeastern girl” (including 16 years in New York City), Elizabeth switched coasts and now lives blissfully in Portland, Oregon, with her husband.

Elizabeth is about to teach how to create deeply transformational, highly profitable high-end programs. Act now by clicking to learn more.

What to include in your email newsletter 3

In this week’s Friday guest post Djanira Cortesão shares her expertise and gives practical advice to coaches about what to include in your email newsletter.

What to include in your email newsletter

By Djanira Cortesão

I strongly believe a newsletter is one of the best tools coaches can use to build a solid customer base and grow a sense of community around their business.

In my experience working coaches, I’ve seen the positive results that come from sending a quality newsletter filled with useful information and tips.

Once you get the hang of it, sending a newsletter is simple. And the return on investment for the time and effort you put into preparing a newsletter will pay off.

However, many brilliant and talented people just like you have fears and anxieties associated with trying something new. When it comes to marketing, a lot of coaches are apprehensive about what to say. If this is how you feel, you are not alone.

At the most basic level, you might be asking yourself what kind of information to include in your newsletter.

The short truth is your newsletter can be super-simple and straight forward. It doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated. In fact, it’s best if it isn’t fancy or complicated. I suggest writing a simple one-page resource of news, advice and your latest offers each month.

But although it truly is that simple, to get the best results, I recommend that you think strategically about what to include in your newsletter.

Here are some points to think about:

Make it Friendly With a Personal Touch

While you obviously do not want to divulge the sordid details of your personal life (please don’t), share a short personal note that reveals a bit of your personality.

Keep it brief – just long enough for your readers to glimpse a side of you that is not strictly business. Let your subscribers see you are a genuine person they can get to know, like, and trust.

Keep the language fairly casual and personable. Strive to convey that you are a knowledgeable professional who is easily approachable. You want them to approach you, so they can hire you, not revere you from a distance. In other words, avoid sounding stuffy.

Cover Relevant Topics

The information you share should be information your subscribers can actually use. Include a featured article or a list of tips that addresses a common problem for your customer base.

If you write content that gets results for your readers, you will also begin to experience results for your own business.

To determine what is relevant, look around your industry. Look at what other coaches are writing about, participate in social media and message boards, or even survey your clients and subscribers to find out directly what they want you to cover. Your newsletter should speak specifically to their wants and needs.

Make sure the topics are relevant to your business goals as well. If you have an upcoming offering, gear your content toward that offering. Also, list your recent blog posts, articles, or press releases, and announce upcoming appearances and events.

Additional Tips

Simple newsletters often perform very well, but if you have your heart set on a more elaborate publication, there are a number of popular elements you can include.

You may choose to feature a direct offer of one of your services or products, spotlight a client, vendor, or one of your readers, add audio or video clips, recommended products or services that you use, include polls or surveys, or run a contest.

Remember, the idea behind sending a newsletter is to keep people interested in you as a service provider. Your newsletter is a marketing technique that builds your reputation and establishes you within a community of people who can benefit from your services and expertise. Keep this in mind, and the content will practically write itself.

About the Author/Further Resources

DJ8Djanira Cortesão helps extraordinary service providers reach their ideal clients, unlock hidden revenue streams and grow their businesses organically. She offers group marketing workshops and 1-on-1 marketing mentoring, as well as insightful marketing newsletters and articles. Design a life of abundance with Djanira — online at: and @djaniracortesao.