Daily Archives: 19 March 2024

Transcending Perception: Exploring the Depths of Reality

This is a drawn image with brown, greens and white as the colour scheme.
In the foreground is a huge anthill with a bird pirched upon the top. This anthill, from our perception as the viewer, is the same height as the trees in the background.
The text reads: “A bird that flies off the earth and lands on an anthill is still on the ground.” (Nigerian proverb)

Happy Tuesday! Today’s quote is acually a proverb:

“A bird that flies off the earth and lands on an anthill is still on the ground.” (Nigerian proverb)

This proverb jumped out to me as reflecting something I’m sure we’ve all come across in coaching and as individuals. In the realm of human experience, we often find ourselves confined by the limitations of our own perceptions. We perceive the world through the lens of our thoughts, beliefs, and past experiences, unwittingly creating barriers that hinder our ability to see beyond the surface of reality.

At first glance, this proverb may seem like a simple observation of physical reality. Indeed, a bird may soar high into the sky, but when it alights on an anthill, it remains tethered to the earth. However, if we delve deeper, we uncover a profound truth about the nature of perception and the illusory nature of boundaries.

From a coaching perspective, this proverb invites us to explore the nature of our own perceptions and the ways in which they shape our experience of reality. Just as the bird remains bound by the earth despite its ability to fly, we too remain bound by the limitations of our own thinking.

If we recognise that our experience of reality is not determined by external circumstances, but by the thoughts that pass through our minds, then I’ve found it can become easier to question the truth of those perceptions. We are like the bird, soaring through the vast expanse of the sky, yet tethered to the ground by the invisible threads of our own perceptions.

When we cling to limiting beliefs and entrenched patterns of thinking, we remain trapped within the confines of our own minds, unable to see beyond the boundaries we have created for ourselves. We may strive for success, happiness, and fulfillment, but as long as we are bound by the limitations of our own perceptions, we will continue to feel stuck and constrained.

But what if we could learn to see beyond these self-imposed boundaries? What if we could tap into a deeper level of understanding that transcends the limitations of our own thinking? This is where the transformative power of coaching comes into play.

As coaches, our role is not to provide answers or solutions, but to guide our clients on a journey of self-discovery and exploration. We help them uncover the invisible barriers that hold them back and support them in seeing beyond the confines of their own perceptions. Cultivating an understanding about the illusionary nature of those “barriers” also can make it much easier to see through them in the future.

Through deep listening, insightful questioning, and gentle guidance, we help our clients tap into their innate wisdom and insight, enabling them to see the world with fresh eyes and explore new possibilities. We encourage them to let go of limiting beliefs and embrace a mindset of openness, curiosity, and possibility.

In doing so, we help them break free from the constraints of their own thinking and experience a newfound sense of freedom and possibility. Like the bird that takes flight, they soar above the limitations of their own perceptions and discover a world of infinite potential.

In conclusion, the Nigerian proverb reminds us that true freedom lies not in breaking free from external constraints, but in transcending the limitations of our own perceptions. As coaches, we have the privilege of guiding our clients on this journey of self-discovery and transformation, helping them uncover the boundless possibilities that lie beyond the boundaries of their own minds.

About Jen Waller

Jen Waller

Jen Waller is on a mission to support, nurture and encourage coaching skills and talents from non-coach to coach and beyond.

As an experienced coach and trainer Jen is happy to utilise all skills at her disposal to assist clients from getting out of their own way and making a difference in the world with their coaching. Find out more about the support Jen offers here.