SOS Leadership

New Year’s Resolutions Versus Goals

As we approach the end of 2012 Amber Fogarty uses her expertise and experience in today’s guest post as she discusses:

New Year’s Resolutions Versus Goals, A guest post by Amber Fogarty

New Year’s Resolutions Versus Goals

by Amber Fogarty, SOS Leadership Institute

We hear a lot about New Year’s Resolutions during this time of year. As coaches, people share with us all kinds of resolutions, but we tend to hear the same ones over and over again.

  • I want to lose weight.
  • I need to pay off debt, especially all of these holiday purchases.
  • I want to take a family vacation.
  • I need to save for retirement (or just save money in general).
  • At work, I will increase my sales, improve my attitude, and/or get along with my coworkers.
  • I will spend less time on Facebook.
  • I will spend more quality time with my family.
  • I will try to get more sleep at night.

The reason most New Year’s Resolutions don’t last long is because there is no plan to accomplish them. In fact, a lot of people don’t even bother writing them down. I guess if you know you’re going to abandon the resolutions in a month or two, what’s the point?

Do you encourage your coaching clients to ditch New Year’s Resolutions and set goals instead? Do you help them with the process of developing written goals, complete with action steps and deadlines? What has worked best for you? What tips can you share with the Coaching Confidence community?

As Paul J. Meyer said, “Writing crystallizes thought, and thought produces action.” When you start to put your goals on paper, you give yourself an opportunity to reflect more deeply about what you want and why you want it. One of the things I enjoy most about coaching is empowering and equipping leaders to set goals and sharing in their excitement as they achieve the goals that matter most to them.

The coaches that are part of the SOS Coaching Network utilize a powerful program called Protecting Goals: The Science of Personal Achievement to lead clients through the goal-setting process. This program is particularly beneficial in preparing for a new year that is filled with possibilities.

I’ll close by encouraging you to schedule some time to reflect on 2012. As coaches, we need to always be growing; we owe it to our clients and to ourselves. Think about what you accomplished this year. What brought you the most joy? How were you challenged? What did you learn this year?

Now visualize 2013. What will it take to make 2013 your best year ever? How will your life be better if you achieve the goals that matter most to you? How are you preparing to take your business to the next level in the year to come?

Special blessings from all of us at SOS Leadership throughout the holiday season!

About the author

Amber Fogarty is a Partner and Coach with SOS Leadership Institute, an organization committed to equipping and empowering leaders to make a difference, and the SOS Coaching Network, which unites an elite group of coaches, trainers, and consultants from around the world, providing them with customized programs.



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