
Coaches, how are you stretching your clients?

One of the “models” that a training department I used to work with was Comfort, Stretch and Panic Zones. If you have not come across that model it is usually explained using 3 circles, all with the same centre but increasing in size.

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The smallest circle is normally labelled your comfort zone. With this model you put things that are part of your every day life that you do naturally, possibly even without thinking about them. As the label suggests, it is the items that you are comfortable doing that “fit” into this section.

The middle ring is normally labelled your Stretch zone. This is where things that are not part of your everyday life and/or that you are not so comfortable doing fit. It’s things that stretch your skills, capabilities and perhaps even your attitude to carry out.

The outer ring is the panic zone. This is the area where it moves from just stretching your capabilities and moves into one of panic.

In a learning context you may have found that you are encouraged to work by moving into that state of stretch – one that challenges your abilities and away from comfort.

However, the approach with this model that I don’t hear mentioned as much is one that brings an activity into a client’s comfort zone. Or even one where they are comfortable “playing” with a new approach or capabilities.

Personally, I don’t think any approach is “right or wrong” in general. I do think that some approaches will be preferred, easier and work quicker for some individuals than others. Surely the important bit is the one that is used is one that works for the person using it 😉

In case anyone is reading this and thinking “but I’m a coach not a trainer” – For me this is a model about learning not training. It’s not outside the realm of possibility that a coaching client will turn to a coach for support with something that they feel is currently a stretch for them.

So the question I invite you to consider today is:

As a coach, how you are stretching your clients?