Jeff Weigh

Keep checking the view

This week, Jeff Weigh shares his thoughts about keeping your goals moving.

Keep checking the view

By Jeff Weigh

It’s great to be back guest writing for Coaching Confidence, and sharing more of my thoughts.

A break always gives you the opportunity to reflect, relax and decide on your next steps!

How often are you taking a break? Do you work all year; get to Christmas, Easter or summer holidays and then completely collapse; with no energy or enthusiasm to do anything? Many people do!

January is often the month when people take stock and reflect. Did you start the New Year with good intentions and New Year resolutions; like joining the gym or going on a diet? Did you relish the challenge and begin with great enthusiasm and energy. Or did you ‘have a go’ and quickly revert back to your comfortable lifestyle.

There’s no right or wrong, and there has to be a strong enough reason for doing something new or different. If you really want to ‘get fit’, then you will do. If you’re not as motivated to ‘get fit’, then you won’t.

If you’re one of those people who have ‘had a go’ and decided it’s not for you; great. Acknowledge that fact and ‘have a go’ at something else. Use your energy to focus on your next goal or challenge.

Take time out more often to reflect on what you achieved and where you want to go next.

Set yourself some challenges and by putting one foot in front of the other and taking one step at a time, you can cover a significant distance in a short space of time.

Occasionally look up at what lies ahead, and then remind yourself what’s to come. You can only deal and respond to what’s in front of you at any particular moment.

Reaching every goal gives you that feeling of achievement and exhilaration. It builds belief that other challenges (goals) can be conquered in your life.

Whatever your goals or challenges are for 2011, enjoy the moments along the way to achieving them. When you reach your goal; celebrate.

Have a great few months and I’ll be back sharing more soon.



About the Author/Further Resources

Jeff Weigh is a husband & Dad, a “thought changer” as well as a business growth and personal development expert. He works with businesses and people who are passionate about what they do and focused on enhancing themselves and/or their businesses. Visit for more details.

This is the second guest post from Jeff. To read his first one, Discover your Passion, click here

2010 guest posters 1

The Friday Guest post on Coaching Confidence is taking a break over the festive period. (Want to be a guest poster in 2011? visit HERE)

Instead, today you will find a list of all the guest posters since we started the feature with links to their respective posts.

I’d like to take this moment to thank all these posters for taking the time to share so generously. I’d also like to wish everyone a Happy New Year.

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Discover Your Passion 2

This weeks guest post is all about passion.

By Jeff Weigh

When you discover something in life that you really enjoy, you tend to do this with passion. Passion quickly translates into happiness.

Those of you that are earning a living out of doing something which is ‘your passion’ probably don’t feel like you’re working for a living!

Passion is an amazing feeling. Take the person who decides to change their life; stops doing the job they didn’t really enjoy and goes back to college or university to study ‘their passion’.

That takes courage (some would say), and their zest for life increases ten-fold over night.

Why? They’re following ‘their passion’. They’re happier and in some areas of their life the stress has gone.

Those of you that have children, here’s a quick fact. Children don’t actually care what you do for a living. What they do care about is being able to spend time with you! Why do you think children enjoy going on holiday so much?

If you’re unsure about this, put it to the test as I did. It turns out that our daughter thinks Mummy works for Morrison’s and that Daddy is a Trainer for Rise & Shine.

When probed a little more, she didn’t really have any idea what we did.

Are you one of those people who hears themselves asking; “where does the time go…”? If you are, ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. Are you happy and passionate in your current job?

2. Are you happy and passionate about the people you work with?

3. Are you happy and passionate with your opportunities to develop in your current job?

If you can answer yes to all 3 you’re probably in the right place right now.

If you’re not happy and passionate right now then it’s time to discover ‘your passion’.

For those of you thinking… ‘I don’t know what I’m passionate about or I don’t know what I want to do’; my challenge to you is – YES YOU DO!

The likelihood is:

– you’ve never given yourself the time to focus on what ‘you’re passionate about’

– you’ve told yourself you can’t afford to do it right now (what with the mortgage etc)

– you’ve told yourself you’re too old and it’s too late

– you’ve resigned yourself to this being the path that’s laid out for you

– you’re comfortable doing what you’re currently doing and unsure about being able to do something different

Here’s what PASSION is and how it’s different from just doing the everyday things!

You know you’re passionate when you become ‘animated’ about it; or you ‘light up’ when someone asks you about it; or you feel ‘alive’ when you’re doing it…

My 4 simple steps to discovering ‘your passion’:

1. Write down all the things you really enjoy doing (take your time doing this)

2. List ‘what’ you enjoy about those things

3. List ‘why’ you enjoy those things

4. List as many ideas as possible under ‘How’ do you get yourself more time to follow your passion

Very quickly ‘your passion’ turns into happiness and new doors will open up for you.

Who’d have thought that when Susan Boyle walked onto the stage for the first time that she would be embarking on a career as an international singer?

We all have the potential to follow our passion and find true happiness.

Thank you for reading.

Enjoy ‘discovering your passion’…


About the Author/Further Resources

Jeff Weigh is a husband & Dad, a “thought changer” as well as a business growth and personal development expert. He works with businesses and people who are passionate about what they do and focused on enhancing themselves and/or their businesses. Visit for more details.

Chris Morris is the host of NLP Connections and a very successful coach. In this guest post, he writes a note to his younger self.