Christian life coach

Coaching Tips from Jesus’ I AM Statements

As this week’s guest post falls on Good Friday, spiritual formation coach Toni Knights shares a little about how her beliefs as a Christian fit with her coaching.

"Coaching Tips from Jesus’ I AM Statements" A guest post by spiritual formation coach Toni Knights

Coaching Tips from Jesus’ I AM Statements

by Toni Knights

Spiritual formation coaching sets Christian coaches apart from other professional coaches because it is Christ centered. As a spiritual formation coach, I see life from another perspective – God’s.

In this season of Easter, as we commemorate the resurrection of the world’s premier life coach, I thought it fitting to look at some of His famous [albeit controversial] statements and how Spiritual Formation Coaches carry out these declarations in our practices. These analogies were originally spoken to an agrarian society; however, they can still resonate with coaches today. I believe that one of the basic tenets of coaching is closing the gap between what my clients think and what they do and in order to do this, I must wear different hats and play varying roles which include but are not limited to the following:

  • Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.” Just as bread sustains physical life, so He offers and sustains spiritual life. My role as coach is to provide the required sustenance in the form of motivation as the client expands his/her vision and takes practical steps towards it.
  • Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” To a world stumbling around in darkness, He is a constant guide.  At times, when I coach I literally shed light on situations for clients by reframing a situation so it can be perceived differently, because people believe the supernatural is all around them.  With a different perception my clients are more likely to act upon their goals.
  • Jesus said, “I am the door of the sheep.” By using this analogy to describe a scenario where there were no physical doors, Jesus likened His care and devotion to ushering his listeners to a safe environment. A passionate coach literally serves as the door to clients as they transition from one stage of their lives to another, while making them comfortable to embrace the new stage. I remind clients that knowing God is an eternal process, not an overnight event.
  • Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd.” This statement shows Jesus’ commitment to the well-being of His followers through constant direction. The client benefits from the coach’s direction when the vision appears to be unattainable. With the proper guidance, clients can overcome self-sabotaging issues which become obstacles along the way. My clients are encouraged to keep the end in view.
  • Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Plain and simple – Jesus came to give new life. As a coach, I have the humbling yet awesome job of reviving any dream the client may have given up on. A client can be effectively helped to creatively manage current obstacles and achieve a once-dormant goal.
  • Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” To my mind, this declaration shows us that Jesus pointed the way to a better life with truth. Assistance with Accountability! In order for change to be effective there must be honesty. It is such a privilege to watch clients move from what actually is to what ought to be with honesty – with themselves first and then with their environment.
  • Jesus said, “I am the true vine.”By attaching themselves to Jesus, his followers draw nourishment and bear fruit. As I partner (attach) with clients to achieve their goals, I conform to the selfless attributes of Christ for their sake, thus making the partnership a fruitful one.

As we continue to be creative with our clients, we can consider our various roles in light of these statements.

Have a blessed Easter Season!

About the author

Toni Knights is a Christian Life Coach who runs the coaching practice “Life In Process.” She also facilitates workshops that focus upon self improvement.

You can read her weekly blog at

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