“Love Is Of Such Potent Might”: Insights For Coaches

This is the style of an animation still at night. A lighthouse with the traditional red and white stripe colouring is in the centre of the image on a small rocky island. Its light is shining brightly. Waves are crashing around the island. The sky is clear around the lighthouse but dark clouds in the sky at the edge of the image. The text reads: "For love is of such potent might That of misfortune it makes light." (John Barbour)

Today’s quote is:

“For love is of such potent might, That of misfortune it makes light.” (John Barbour)

Yesterday we looked at being kinder than necessary, today we turn our attention to love. Personally, I’ve found that in the realm of coaching, where transformation and growth are paramount, the essence of love emerges as a potent force. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about love as in romance but that loving acceptance.

This verse, “For love is of such potent might, That of misfortune it makes light,” offers a profound insight into the transformative power of love. It suggests that love possesses a potent strength capable of transcending adversity and illuminating even the darkest of circumstances.

Love, in its purest form, is a force that binds us all together, transcending boundaries and bridging divides. It is a force that inspires compassion, empathy, and understanding, fostering deeper connections and nurturing personal growth. As a coach I’m guided by working from the foundation of innate well-being, resilience, and clarity, embracing love becomes not just a choice, but a way of being.

At the heart of my coaching lies the understanding that love is the foundation upon which transformation thrives. Love serves as a catalyst for healing, offering solace and support to those navigating life’s challenges. When we approach our clients with love, we create a safe and nurturing space where they feel valued, supported, and empowered to explore their innermost thoughts and emotions.

Moreover, love has the remarkable ability to transmute misfortune into opportunities for growth and learning. It allows us to see beyond the surface and embrace the inherent beauty and potential within every situation. By extending love, we acknowledge the inherent humanity within each individual, paving the way for authentic, meaningful interactions that facilitate growth and self-discovery.

However, love towards oneself is equally crucial. Many coaches I talk to find it easier to extend love and compassion to others while neglecting their own well-being. Recognizing this pattern and choosing to cultivate self-love can have a profound impact on one’s own experience and overall effectiveness as a coach. Yesterday, I invited you to set aside time to be kinder to yourself. Today, I invite you to give yourself permission to nurture yourself with love and kindness, allowing yourself to replenish and rejuvenate your spirit.

I don’t know if you have been on the receiving end of a coaching session where the space is just so filled with love and acceptance – realising that it really is OK to be yourself and that the coach will meet you exactly where you are, regardless of who you think you are. It’s an incredibly powerful space to take time to be coached from. I think it’s the feeling in that space that is why that the phrase “For love is of such potent might” resonates with me about coaching.

In conclusion, John Barbour’s verse serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of love in our coaching practice. Coaching with the invisible, sometimes means that language can feel/sound clunky, but for me, when it comes to coaching, love is more than just an emotion – it is a guiding principle that shapes our interactions, fosters deeper connections, and facilitates transformative growth. As coaches, let us embrace love as a foundational element of our practice, striving always to cultivate love in ourselves and extend it to others. In doing so, we create a world filled with compassion, understanding, and genuine human connection.

About Jen Waller

Jen Waller

Jen Waller is on a mission to support, nurture and encourage coaching skills and talents from non-coach to coach and beyond.

As an experienced coach and trainer, Jen is happy to utilise all skills at her disposal to assist clients from getting out of their own way and making a difference in the world with their coaching. Find out more about the support Jen offers here.

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