Monthly Archives: April 2012

Have Faith

Coach, creative consultant and soon to be Yoga teacher Louise Gillepsie-Smith shares her personal experience and lessons she’s learnt so far in this week’s guest post.

Have Faith

By Louise Gillepsie-Smith

Do you ever wonder where your next clients are going to come from?

Do you ever start to worry or feel desperate about finding business?

As coaches we all know about the law of attraction and getting what we focus on but how much do you fully trust the universe to provide you with everything you need? To allow yourself just to go with life’s flow and have faith everything will work out exactly as it is meant to be.

When I first started as a coach over 5 years ago I was super positive, I had my goals, my week by week, day by day action list and work started to come in. As promised by the company I trained with after so many months I had 10 clients. I was really pleased with my self! Then they started to drop off a bit, people finished their course with me and not all the free taster sessions I gave turned into paying clients. From then on it started to feel a little like a up hill struggle, I was doing everything I could to find clients but not feeling like I was getting enough. I would do things I didn’t really want to do just to try to find work and working all hours. Then one day I discovered Yoga, it relaxed my mind so much that I set an intention for the next year ahead……to only do things I love.

That year a miracle occurred, I was doing less work to find business, I was enjoying myself fully and guess what, more work flowed to me that year than ever before! You see when you are having fun, enjoying what you do and not acting desperate you become like a magnet. People want a bit of what you have got. I know this is something I am sure we all tell clients all the time but even coaches can have loose our faith a bit sometimes too!

Since then I have slowly but surely deepened my faith in the Universe to provide me with everything I need. This became even more powerful after January 2011 when I sat on a beach under the full moon in India and set my intention for the year ahead. I was going to finally move to the beach, after 4 years of thinking about it, and to travel for 6 months around India in 2012, a dream I held for the past 13 years. The day after I returned from my holiday I lost a coaching contract in a company which set the wheels in motion for me to make these changes.

Here I am now writing this blog for you in Mcleod Ganj in the mountains in Northern India, I am here training to be a yoga teacher! When I get back in June I am moving to Brighton. My intention I set in January 2011 manifested and the events that led me to be here were not all under my control. Everything just seemed to shift to make it happen. I just trusted that it would some how and learnt how to be patient!

Here are a few tips I have learnt for setting your intention and having faith life will work out exactly as it’s meant to be:

1. To remind myself of what I choose to create in my life I like to use crystals as each type has a different energy and healing power. For example Rose Quartz is great for opening your heart and attracting love. Citrine is good for abundance, joy, creativity and fully trusting the universe. When you get a crystal you have to cleanse it (this can just be done by running it under water and focusing on any negative energy washing away whilst returning to it’s full power) set your intention for it and then when ever you see or hold it you will be reminded of your intention. A post it note on the wall works well too if you don’t believe in crystals!

2. Be with uncertainty. We don’t ever want to know the ending of a great film so why do we want to know what is going to happen next in our lives?! Replace “I hope” with “I wonder if” and enjoy watching the mystery of your life unfold!

3. Have faith in yourself and learn to listen to your heart. So often we get caught up in our minds but as we all know our minds often get caught up with fear. If you believe in what you are doing and feel deeply it is the right path for you then trust it.

4. Be patient. It’s impossible to put a time on when something will materialize in your life, just trust it will happen when the time is right.

5. Trust you will attract the clients and business that is right for you. It’s easy to get concerned that there are so many other coaches out there but I really believe we all have something unique to offer and the right clients will find you.

6. Do what you love. As I mentioned before I learnt that getting desperate and trying everything to find work including some activities that didn’t fill me with joy just didn’t work! As soon as I relaxed it all started to flow.

I am sure you already have a good understanding of the law of attraction being coaches, I had too but there was always a little part of my that didn’t 100% have faith in it until now. Over the past year I have been running an experiment to see the impact setting intentions have, I have set a different intention for each month and lived by it. You can read about it here; or follow me on Twitter LouiseatCreate.

About the Author/Further Resources

Louise is a confidence coach, image consultant, and soon to be yoga teacher, she runs a business called Create Yourself supporting people to create lives they love.

Second World Business & Executive Coaching Summit Pre-series

Before you missed the complimentary Pre-Summit series I wanted to draw your attention to a global conference that aspires to raise the bar for coaching professionals.

The Pre-Summit series, May 1-31, 2012, offers a complimentary opportunity to sample the sessions of the full Summit before registering. (The full Summit runs June 14-29, 2012.) For more details visit here.

A selection of the 25 luminaries presenting include:

  • Dr. Marshall Goldsmith – voted the world’s #1 leadership thinker by Harvard Business Review;
  •  Sir John Whitmore – the pre-eminent thinker in leadership and organisational change;
  • Prof. Vijay Govindarajan – voted the world’s #1 strategic thinker by Harvard Business Review;
  • Verne Harnish – named one of the “Top 10 Minds in Small Business” by Fortune magazine;

The skills, topics and strategies attendees can expect to learn about include:

  • highly effective coaching,
  • sales,
  • niche leadership,
  • creation of complimentary products and multiple income streams,
  • client retention,
  • intellectual property,
  • social media,
  • networking and much more.

This will be the second year that the conference takes place, with 7000 coaches from 129 countries participating via easy-to-use webinar technology. The aim is to deliver “sales-pitch-free, rich content to live audiences” allowing questions to be asked of presenters real-time and interaction with other attendees.

It’s a great opportunity to get exposure and experience different coaches and trainers styles, knowledge and expertise. Click here to register for the Pre-Summit series.