Awakening The Soul: What’s At The Heart Of Your Coaching?   Recently updated !

A clear blue sky apart from two elongated whispy, feathered clouds which form the shape of two angel wings. The text reads: "My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring And carried aloft on the wings of the breeze." (Anne Bronte)

Today’s quote is:

“My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring And carried aloft on the wings of the breeze.” (Anne Bronte)

Do you recognise the description that is being used in this quote? For me it’s pointing to our innate wisdom and resilience of the human spirit. That our experience of life is not determined by external circumstances, but by the quality of our thinking in any given moment. Just as a breeze carries us aloft, when we are in a high state of consciousness, as opposed to a low mood, it feels like we are awake to the limitless possibilities that lie within.

When we’re not in that state, and a low mood, it may seem like we’re walking through treacle and even the idea that the ease and flow that’s being pointed to in the quote can seem so far out of reach and even impossible to see.

Consider, for a moment, the implications of Bronte’s words in the context of coaching. When our soul is awakened, we tap into a deeper sense of purpose and meaning. We connect with our innate wisdom and intuition, guiding us towards paths of fulfilment and joy. As coaches, we have the privilege of facilitating this awakening in our clients, helping them connect with their inner truth and wisdom.

Moreover, when our spirit is soaring, we experience a profound sense of freedom and expansiveness. We transcend the limitations of our ego-driven mind, embracing a state of flow and alignment with the universe. In coaching, we encourage clients to tap into this state of flow, guiding them towards goals they really want and aspirations that resonate with their authentic selves.

Have you noticed how you can tell when a client’s soul is awakened? They come alive, you can hear it in their voice and see the spark in their eyes. One of the ways I personally like to think about my coaching is it’s about finding that spark and fanning it into a flame, it’s that impactful nurturing that I may not know what the content of our conversations will be once that’s been lit but I know that there is a very different feel once we’re there.

In my coaching, I recognise that the awakening of the soul is not a destination but a journey—a journey of self-discovery and transformation. It’s about tapping into our innate wisdom and intuition, guiding us towards paths of fulfilment and joy. As a coach, I view it as a huge privilege of facilitating this awakening in our clients and helping them connect with their inner truth and wisdom.

Moreover, when our spirit is soaring, we experience a profound sense of freedom and expansiveness. We transcend the limitations of our ego-driven mind, embracing a state of flow and alignment with the universe. In coaching, we encourage clients to tap into this state of flow, guiding them towards goals and aspirations that resonate with their authentic selves.

In coaching, you may encounter clients who feel that they are walking through treacle, trapped in a cycle of negative thinking and self-doubt. They may feel overwhelmed by external circumstances or disconnected from their inner truth. Yet, it is precisely in these moments of darkness that the light of transformation begins to shine.

As a coach, I see my role as a guide and companion on this journey of self-discovery. We create a safe and supportive space for clients to explore, guiding them towards greater clarity and insight. We remind them of their innate resilience and resourcefulness, that empower them to overcome obstacles and setbacks with courage and grace.

At the heart of my coaching lies a deep commitment to awakening the soul and guiding clients towards their innate wisdom and resilience. What lies at the heart of your coaching practice? Perhaps we use different words to describe the same essence, or maybe you have a unique philosophy and approach. I invite you to explore and discover what truly drives your coaching practice.

About Jen Waller

Jen Waller

Jen Waller is on a mission to support, nurture and encourage coaching skills and talents from non-coach to coach and beyond.

As an experienced coach and trainer, Jen is happy to utilise all skills at her disposal to assist clients from getting out of their own way and making a difference in the world with their coaching. Find out more about the support Jen offers here.

Coaching Uncertainty: How Comfortable Are You With The Unknown?   Recently updated !

A yellow diamond warning road sign, with the phrase uncertainty ahead, is positioned in the foreground and to the left of this image. There are mountains in the distance, and the sun is rising, casting a golden haze in an otherwise blue sky. The text reads: "Uncertainty is a quality to be cherished, therefore – if not for it, who would dare to undertake anything?" (Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam)

Today’s quote is:

“Uncertainty is a quality to be cherished, therefore – if not for it, who would dare to undertake anything?” (Auguste Villiers de l’Isle-Adam)

Uncertainty is an inherent part of the human experience. From personal decisions to professional endeavours, we constantly navigate a sea of unknowns. There are some uncertainties that you may be very comfortable with not knowing yet in another situation the thought of not being certain about an outcome, and you feel stressed and pressure.

So what’s the difference? If it was the uncertainty itself that was the cause of stress and pressure, then surely that should apply to any situation where you didn’t know what an outcome would be.

We experience the feeling of our thinking, so the stories we have in our head, either consciously or unconsciously, impacts how we feel. If we have, innocently, created a whole host of rules around the importance of being certain about some situations, then we often also think that the solution to this is to use our intellect to worry about the situation until a solution appears. Though, ironically, that’s also usually a state where we are our least creative.

The fear of the unknown can paralyse us, trapping us in a cycle of indecision and inaction. We cling to the familiar, seeking comfort and security in the known, even if it means sacrificing our dreams and aspirations.

Indeed, uncertainty often carries a weight that can leave us feeling uneasy and unsettled. We often seek stability and predictability in our lives, yet it’s in the embrace of uncertainty that we find the space for growth and discovery.

Consider, for a moment, the times in your life when uncertainty has led to unexpected opportunities or insights. Perhaps it was a career change that opened doors to new passions, or a spontaneous decision that led to meaningful connections. These moments remind us that uncertainty, far from being a barrier, is often the gateway to new possibilities.

What if, uncertainty is not something to be feared, but a natural part of the ebb and flow of life? It is the canvas upon which our experiences unfold, inviting us to dance with the unknown. You may have heard the phrase “being comfortable with being uncomfortable”, I like to think of it more as not resisting a feeling of being uncomfortable.

When we approach uncertainty with an open mind and heart, we create space for creativity and innovation to flourish. Rather than viewing uncertainty as a threat, we see it as an opportunity to explore, experiment, and evolve. We let go of the need for control, surrendering to the flow of life with grace and humility.

Moreover, embracing uncertainty allows us to cultivate a deeper sense of resilience and adaptability. Instead of resisting change, we learn to navigate the twists and turns of life with courage and grace. We recognize that every challenge is an opportunity for growth, and every setback is a stepping stone on the path to greatness.

It’s may be worth mentioning at this stage that so often we view situations where there is uncertainty involved as being an all or nothing involvement – sometimes you can mitigate that uncertainty by taking smaller steps so you feel that you can play and explore with finding ways that work for you in that situation.

Many view the prospect of going from an apparently reliable regular employed salary to having a self-employed income as very uncertain. I’ve spoken to many over the years who find that fear of an uncertain income as being the thing that stops them from setting up their own coaching practice. I usually point out that it can be a gradual transition – building up a coaching practice alongside employment until you feel more comfortable expanding that further.

So how can we learn to embrace uncertainty in our coaching practice? It begins with cultivating a mindset of curiosity and exploration. Rather than seeking to eliminate uncertainty, we learn to dance with it, trusting in the innate intelligence of the coaching process. We let go of the need for certainty, embracing the unknown with an open heart and mind.

As coaches, we have a unique opportunity to model this mindset for our clients. We can create a safe and supportive space for them to explore their fears and uncertainties. It’s that openness to look at something a fresh, that invites a new perspective to emerge. By embracing uncertainty ourselves, we inspire our clients to do the same, empowering them to step boldly into the unknown and unlock their full potential.

In conclusion, uncertainty is not something to be feared, but can be a quality to be cherished. It is the fertile ground from which creativity, innovation, and growth emerge. By embracing uncertainty in our coaching practice, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and pathways forward. How does uncertainty look to you and how does that impact your coaching?.

About Jen Waller

Jen Waller

Jen Waller is on a mission to support, nurture and encourage coaching skills and talents from non-coach to coach and beyond.

As an experienced coach and trainer, Jen is happy to utilise all skills at her disposal to assist clients from getting out of their own way and making a difference in the world with their coaching. Find out more about the support Jen offers here.

What Is A Good Example To Set In Coaching?   Recently updated !

An off-white creamy coloured background material. A large embroidered green letter A is in the top right of the image. A blue flower is positioned where the horizontal bar of the A meets the right hand downward line, small purple flowers are sewn so they wrap around the left hand over the top curve of the letter and starting down the right hand side. The rest of the text reads: [A] good example is the best Sermon (Thomas Fuller)

Today’s quote is:

“A good example is the best Sermon.” (Thomas Fuller)

When you coach, are you ever aware of wanting to set a good example? I’m quite prepared to believe that this is something I’m more aware about because of who I generally work with. I have many conversations with those who are just starting out as coaches and are finding their own style and voice. Certainly, when I first started working with this group, I was more conscious about the structure of a session etc because one of the reasons they were coming was to experience coaching from a clients’ perspective, and I wanted to set a good example of questioning etc.

Over time, two things happened. First, so much of those skills I had been focusing upon that it became second nature. The second was that I came to see that the more present I am in a session and respond to the actual person in front of me, as opposed to any thinking I have predicting how they may react to a question etc, then that had a much bigger impact than having the perfectly structured question etc.

I still occasionally think about setting a good example, but it’s from a different perspective. The more I live from this place, the more I see, then I just feel more authentic when talking to clients. I find that it helps a client to be honest with their answers if I am with mine – if they’re asking about something I’ve not looked at in any depth I’ve been known to say a variation of “I don’t know, shall we look together.” I’m also human, so if they’re sharing that they’ve had insecure thinking I’ve been known to say,

I think at some stage I thought that a good example was to be perfect – and that meant never having any insecure thinking, never feeling uncertain, always feeling confident and certain etc. Never feeling pressure and feeling stressed obviously meant I was failing.

I’d missed that that all came from the fact that as humans, we experience our thinking – and rather than having to go after every negative thought and change that, that looking above that to the nature of thought gives new perspective. It allows for any feeling of pressure or stress to act like an alarm call just to show my thinking is revved up right now. Or when I recognise insecure thinking, it can be a signal to pause and reflect rather than react impulsively. This shift in perspective has been transformative not only in my coaching practice but in my personal life as well.

When we coach, whether it’s in a formal session or an informal conversation, our example speaks volumes. Clients often look to us not just for guidance, but also for inspiration. They observe how we navigate challenges, how we handle uncertainty, and how we show up authentically in our interactions. In embracing our humanity and vulnerability, we give permission for others to do the same.

Setting a good example isn’t about perfection; it’s about authenticity and integrity. It’s about showing up as our true selves, flaws and all, and being willing to learn and grow alongside our clients. When we acknowledge our limitations and embrace our humanity, we create a space for genuine connection and empathy. I don’t know about you, but when I am a client, one of the things I choose my coaches based upon is that human connection. I don’t expect them to be perfect. In fact, it’s a great relief when they share what’s real for them.

Moreover, leading by example isn’t just about what we do; it’s also about how we are. Our presence, our energy, and our intentions shape the coaching dynamic in profound ways. When we approach our work with curiosity, compassion, and openness, we invite our clients to do the same.

I’m often reluctant to share the next piece of advice because I’m conscious that from a cynical perspective, this can look like a sales pitch. However, for me, investing the time and energy in having coaching conversations as a client allows me to speak from a more authentic place when talking to others about the benefits of coaching.

As Thomas Fuller reminds us, “A good example is the best Sermon.” In our role as coaches, we have the privilege and responsibility of being that example for our clients. By living our truth, embracing our humanity, and embodying the principles we teach, we inspire others to do the same. In doing so, we not only empower our clients to create positive change in their lives but also contribute to a more compassionate and resilient world.

So the next time you coach, remember the power of your example. Be authentic, be present, and be true to yourself. Your example may just be the best Sermon your clients ever receive. I leave you with an invitation to consider the example you want to set with your coaching. Your coaching style may differ from mine, so your answers may vary. Is that example serving you and your clients?

About Jen Waller

Jen Waller

Jen Waller is on a mission to support, nurture and encourage coaching skills and talents from non-coach to coach and beyond.

As an experienced coach and trainer, Jen is happy to utilise all skills at her disposal to assist clients from getting out of their own way and making a difference in the world with their coaching. Find out more about the support Jen offers here.

April 8th – 14th 2024 Favourite Quote   Recently updated !

April 8th – 14th 2024 Favourite Quote

What is your favourite quote from last week 600 x 400 px

Out of the 7 quotes shared daily on our social media feeds, which one is your favourite?

A quick look at procrastination   Recently updated !

An hour glass with sand draining through, so the sand is approximately split 50% in the top section and 50% in the bottom. Surrounding the glass are piles of papers stacked haphazardly. The text reads: "Things don't get any easier by putting them off." (W. Somerset Maugham)

Today’s quote is:

“Things don’t get any easier by putting them off.” (W. Somerset Maugham)

This serves as a poignant reminder of the pitfalls of procrastination that many of us grapple with in our daily lives.

Despite each of us having the same 24 hours at our disposal, productivity can vary significantly from one day to the next. This inconsistency begs the question: why do some days flow effortlessly, while others are marred by endless procrastination?

While there are exceptions to every rule, in most cases, delaying a task only serves to prolong the inevitable. However, there are instances where procrastination can be strategic, such as when a necessary preparatory step is involved. For example, enlisting the help of others or acquiring the right tools can make seemingly daunting tasks much more manageable.

But does Maugham’s quote imply that everything must be tackled immediately? Well, we get to decide what we take from the quote, so I would suggest not necessarily. Rather, one thing it could urge us to discern between procrastination and necessary preparation and take proactive steps to address tasks in a timely manner.

Have you ever completed a task and found it surprisingly easy? I recently experienced this when making a phone call on someone else’s behalf. What I anticipated to be a time-consuming process was resolved within minutes, highlighting the fallacy of our preconceived notions about task difficulty.

Reflecting on my own tendencies, I’ve identified three scenarios that often lead to procrastination. The first occurs when I prioritize other tasks over the one at hand, due to competing priorities. In such cases, delegating or seeking assistance can be invaluable. Not everything has to be done by you personally!

The second scenario arises when a task is perceived as dull, challenging, or unappealing. In these instances, reframing the task or approaching it with a fresh perspective can make a world of difference. Asking questions like, “How can I make this more enjoyable?” or “What would I do differently if this were the most important task?” can shift our mindset and spur action.

Additionally, it’s essential to question the necessity of certain tasks and consider alternative approaches. For instance, if a marketing strategy isn’t yielding results, is it truly necessary, or is there a more effective method?

Lastly, unrealistic expectations about task duration can contribute to procrastination. Accepting that tasks may take longer than anticipated and adjusting our schedules accordingly can alleviate unnecessary stress.

In conclusion, procrastination not only hinders productivity but also adds unnecessary pressure and stress to our lives. By recognizing the reality that “things don’t get any easier by putting them off” and adopting proactive strategies to address tasks head-on, we can reclaim our productivity and achieve our goals with greater ease and efficiency. What else does this quote prompt for you?

About Jen Waller

Jen Waller

Jen Waller is on a mission to support, nurture and encourage coaching skills and talents from non-coach to coach and beyond.

As an experienced coach and trainer, Jen is happy to utilise all skills at her disposal to assist clients from getting out of their own way and making a difference in the world with their coaching. Find out more about the support Jen offers here.

“Love Is Of Such Potent Might”: Insights For Coaches   Recently updated !

This is the style of an animation still at night. A lighthouse with the traditional red and white stripe colouring is in the centre of the image on a small rocky island. Its light is shining brightly. Waves are crashing around the island. The sky is clear around the lighthouse but dark clouds in the sky at the edge of the image. The text reads: "For love is of such potent might That of misfortune it makes light." (John Barbour)

Today’s quote is:

“For love is of such potent might, That of misfortune it makes light.” (John Barbour)

Yesterday we looked at being kinder than necessary, today we turn our attention to love. Personally, I’ve found that in the realm of coaching, where transformation and growth are paramount, the essence of love emerges as a potent force. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about love as in romance but that loving acceptance.

This verse, “For love is of such potent might, That of misfortune it makes light,” offers a profound insight into the transformative power of love. It suggests that love possesses a potent strength capable of transcending adversity and illuminating even the darkest of circumstances.

Love, in its purest form, is a force that binds us all together, transcending boundaries and bridging divides. It is a force that inspires compassion, empathy, and understanding, fostering deeper connections and nurturing personal growth. As a coach I’m guided by working from the foundation of innate well-being, resilience, and clarity, embracing love becomes not just a choice, but a way of being.

At the heart of my coaching lies the understanding that love is the foundation upon which transformation thrives. Love serves as a catalyst for healing, offering solace and support to those navigating life’s challenges. When we approach our clients with love, we create a safe and nurturing space where they feel valued, supported, and empowered to explore their innermost thoughts and emotions.

Moreover, love has the remarkable ability to transmute misfortune into opportunities for growth and learning. It allows us to see beyond the surface and embrace the inherent beauty and potential within every situation. By extending love, we acknowledge the inherent humanity within each individual, paving the way for authentic, meaningful interactions that facilitate growth and self-discovery.

However, love towards oneself is equally crucial. Many coaches I talk to find it easier to extend love and compassion to others while neglecting their own well-being. Recognizing this pattern and choosing to cultivate self-love can have a profound impact on one’s own experience and overall effectiveness as a coach. Yesterday, I invited you to set aside time to be kinder to yourself. Today, I invite you to give yourself permission to nurture yourself with love and kindness, allowing yourself to replenish and rejuvenate your spirit.

I don’t know if you have been on the receiving end of a coaching session where the space is just so filled with love and acceptance – realising that it really is OK to be yourself and that the coach will meet you exactly where you are, regardless of who you think you are. It’s an incredibly powerful space to take time to be coached from. I think it’s the feeling in that space that is why that the phrase “For love is of such potent might” resonates with me about coaching.

In conclusion, John Barbour’s verse serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of love in our coaching practice. Coaching with the invisible, sometimes means that language can feel/sound clunky, but for me, when it comes to coaching, love is more than just an emotion – it is a guiding principle that shapes our interactions, fosters deeper connections, and facilitates transformative growth. As coaches, let us embrace love as a foundational element of our practice, striving always to cultivate love in ourselves and extend it to others. In doing so, we create a world filled with compassion, understanding, and genuine human connection.

About Jen Waller

Jen Waller

Jen Waller is on a mission to support, nurture and encourage coaching skills and talents from non-coach to coach and beyond.

As an experienced coach and trainer, Jen is happy to utilise all skills at her disposal to assist clients from getting out of their own way and making a difference in the world with their coaching. Find out more about the support Jen offers here.

A Coaching Invite To Be Kinder Than Is Necessary   Recently updated !

This image has a dreamlike golden glow about it. A tranquil stream runs throw the middle and out into the distance. On each side is lush grass with flowers mixed in. Rolling fields and tress are in the distance to the horizon, where the sun is setting. The text reads: "Shall we make a new rule of life from tonight: always to try to be a little kinder than is necessary?" (J.M. Barrie, The Little White Bird)

Today’s quote is:

“Shall we make a new rule of life from tonight: always to try to be a little kinder than is necessary?” (J.M. Barrie, The Little White Bird)

In the realm of coaching, where transformation and growth are paramount, kindness often emerges as a silent yet powerful force. J.M. Barrie’s quote invites us to explore the profound impact of kindness in our coaching practice.

The phrase, ‘a little kinder than is necessary,’ leapt out at me as an invite to confront the notion of necessity itself. What exactly is necessary in our interactions, both as coaches and as individuals navigating the complexities of life? Often, necessity is framed within the confines of societal norms, expectations, and personal agendas.

However, the proposition in that quote challenges us to expand our understanding of necessity beyond the conventional boundaries. It beckons us to question whether our actions and attitudes truly align with the highest expression of humanity. Perhaps, what is truly necessary is not merely meeting the minimum requirements of decency, but rather, embracing a higher standard of compassion, empathy, and understanding. By transcending the limitations of necessity as dictated by external factors, we open ourselves to a realm of possibility where kindness becomes not just a choice, but an essential guiding principle in our interactions with others and ourselves.

Kindness, in its simplest form, is the act of extending warmth, empathy, and compassion towards ourselves and others. It is a gentle reminder to approach every interaction with a spirit of generosity and understanding, regardless of the circumstances. As coaches guided by the principles of innate well-being, resilience, and clarity, embracing kindness becomes not just a choice, but a way of being.

At the heart of my approach to coaching lies the understanding that we are all innately whole and capable of experiencing profound insights and transformations. Kindness serves as a conduit for connecting with this innate wisdom, fostering an environment of trust, safety, and openness within the coaching relationship. When we approach our clients with kindness, we create a space where they feel valued, supported, and empowered to explore their innermost thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment or criticism.

Moreover, kindness has the remarkable ability to dissolve barriers and cultivate deeper connections between coach and client. It allows us to see beyond the surface and truly empathize with the unique experiences and challenges faced by those we coach. By extending kindness, we acknowledge the inherent humanity within each individual, paving the way for authentic, meaningful interactions that facilitate growth and self-discovery.

It’s looking at kindness is not merely a superficial gesture, but a fundamental aspect of our shared human experience. It is a reminder that beneath our differences lies a common thread of compassion and understanding that unites us all. By embracing kindness in our coaching practice, we honour this shared humanity and create a ripple effect of positivity and transformation that extends far beyond the confines of our sessions.

Furthermore, that space of kindness is contagious. As coaches, when we embody kindness in our interactions with clients, we inspire them to do the same in their own lives. This ripple effect extends outward, creating a ripple effect of positivity and compassion that has the power to transform not only individuals but entire communities.

However, kindness towards yourself is a great gift you can also give yourself. I speak to so many coaches that find it easy to be kind to others but set much harsher rules to live by in their own heads! Recognising that’s what’s going on and choosing a kinder, more gentle, approach can have a huge difference on your own experience. Countercry to many peoples fears still results in you getting things done etc.

I invite you to pick a period of time – it could be a month, an entire week or if that feels too long for you at this moment just an hour and just allow yourself to be kind to yourself as you go about your life. If you find yourself being harsh at any point, my suggestion would be, rather than adding criticism for failing to be kind, just acknowledge that you caught a habit of thinking and choose to be kinder instead.

In conclusion, J.M. Barrie’s quote serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact of kindness in our coaching practice. From a Three Principles perspective, kindness is more than just a virtue – it is a guiding principle that shapes our interactions, fosters deeper connections, and facilitates transformative growth. As coaches, let us embrace kindness as a new rule of life, striving always to be a little kinder than is necessary, and in doing so, create a world filled with compassion, understanding, and genuine human connection.

About Jen Waller

Jen Waller

Jen Waller is on a mission to support, nurture and encourage coaching skills and talents from non-coach to coach and beyond.

As an experienced coach and trainer, Jen is happy to utilise all skills at her disposal to assist clients from getting out of their own way and making a difference in the world with their coaching. Find out more about the support Jen offers here.

What Does An Invisible Hippopotamus Have To Do With Coaching?

A drawing of a hippopotamus sat facing us with his front legs together and back legs sprayed outwards. The hippo has pink patches on the underside of his back two feet, the part of his chest/belly that we can see, and pink inner ears. The text reads: "A hippopotamus can be made invisible in dark waters." (African proverb)

Today’s quote is a proverb:

“A hippopotamus can be made invisible in dark waters.” (African proverb)

It seems like basic common sense that if you are in the habitat of a dangerous wild animal, then it is wise to be aware and respectful of their potential presence. I have a healthy respect for hippopotamus’ but I’m no expert, so for me, it was how this proverb could also apply to coaching that prompted me to write this post.

This ancient saying resonates deeply with the essence of coaching, for me, as it offers insights into the unseen aspects of human experience. While it may initially evoke images of the dangers lurking in ignorance of one’s physical surroundings, it also holds a profound metaphorical meaning for our coaching practice.

I interpret this proverb as a metaphor for the hidden forces that influence our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. Just as a hippopotamus vanishes beneath the surface of dark waters, so too can our deepest fears, insecurities, and potential remain concealed from view. In coaching, we often uncover hidden beliefs and thinking; when clients have an insight and suddenly recognize thoughts or beliefs they hadn’t consciously acknowledged before. These insights can profoundly and immediately impact their behaviour and perspective.

In coaching, we often embark on journeys to uncover these hidden aspects of ourselves and our clients. We navigate the murky depths of the mind, shedding light on the shadows that lurk within. Through open dialogue and introspection, we assist our clients in exploring these unseen forces, guiding them towards greater self-awareness and understanding.

However, the resonance of this proverb extends beyond its literal interpretation. It speaks to the power of perception and the illusion of reality. Like the hippopotamus fading into obscurity in the darkness, our perceived problems and limitations can dissolve when viewed through the lens of understanding.

As coaches, we help our clients see beyond the surface appearances of their circumstances. We invite them to delve beneath the waves of their thoughts and emotions, uncovering the deeper truths that lie hidden beneath. By illuminating the unseen forces at play, we empower our clients to navigate the waters of change with clarity and confidence.

But how do we make the invisible visible? How do we guide our clients in seeing beyond the surface of their experiences? It begins with a shift in perspective—a willingness to look beyond the superficial and embrace a deeper understanding of reality. As coaches, we serve as guides, illuminating the path ahead and helping our clients discern the unseen forces that shape their lives.

Through deep listening, compassionate inquiry, and our own understanding, we create a safe space for exploration and discovery. We encourage our clients to trust in their intuition and wisdom, guiding them towards insights and breakthroughs that lead to profound transformation.

In conclusion, the proverb “A hippopotamus can be made invisible in dark waters” offers a poignant reminder of the unseen forces that shape our lives. As coaches, we have the privilege of shedding light on these hidden truths, guiding our clients towards greater self-awareness and understanding. By embracing the unseen depths of coaching, we empower our clients to navigate the waters of change with clarity, confidence, and courage.

I’m curious, presuming that you read the title of this post before the actual content – what answers did you have in your head about what could possibly be a connection between invisible hippopotamus’ and coaching? Feel free to drop any thoughts in a comment below.

About Jen Waller

Jen Waller

Jen Waller is on a mission to support, nurture and encourage coaching skills and talents from non-coach to coach and beyond.

As an experienced coach and trainer, Jen is happy to utilise all skills at her disposal to assist clients from getting out of their own way and making a difference in the world with their coaching. Find out more about the support Jen offers here.