three principles

Principles, coaching and spirituality

Many experienced coaches will tell you how their coaching has changed since they first started. In today’s guest post experienced coach Liz Scott shares a bit about how her’s has evolved.

Principles, coaching and spirituality

By Liz Scott

"Principles, coaching and spirituality" By Liz Scott

A few years ago my life transformed. It didn’t transform in a snappy, flashy ‘fireworks’ kind of way, it was more like a gentle defrosting of icy beliefs and fears. Once these beliefs had dissolved I was left standing in mental health, freedom and wellness. Don’t get me wrong. I still experience the full range of human emotions. I feel sad, happy, angry and frustrated. It’s just that I no longer dwell and wallow in these emotions; instead I fall out of them and into peace.

It all started when I came across the Three Principles behind life. When I say principle I don’t mean ‘good idea’ I mean the fundamental spiritual facts that are at the root of the whole of the human psychological experience.

Understanding these principles has been profound. I have shifted my business and life around what I am learning, my husband is too.

If you are reading this with a half skeptical ‘yeah, ok tell me what these magic principles are’ kind of attitude then I wouldn’t blame you. In fact I’d recommend you keep a healthy skeptical mind.

On one level The Three Principles (which are mind, consciousness and thought) are just words. It’s when we understand and experience for ourselves how they operate, that the real shifts begin. These principles point towards the common denominator of the human experience; they point towards the spiritual, creative potential that is in us all.

The other night I looked up onto the moon and my heart filled with awe. I momentarily tried to imagine all the people who through the ages had gazed up at the same moon.  It was too much for my brain to compute – instead I felt a sense of wonder and connection. This feeling of wonder and connection is the birthright of all human beings. I don’t have to gaze at the moon to experience it. When I’m coaching others this is the space I want to be coaching from. It is this space of creative potential that I want to point my clients to.

Another word for it would be spirituality. This is about reconnecting people with their spiritual nature. When we are plugged into this creative infinite potential then navigating through life is more fulfilling and easeful. Life makes more sense.

As coaches I believe we are here to point our clients back to this space. I want them to reconnect with a part of themselves that they have temporarily forgotten.  There is incredible richness for us all to be in touch with this.

About Liz Scott

Liz Scott is a successful business and leadership coach. She co-founded and is running a one-day event with some of the UK’s best known facilitators and coaches on July 29th


Swallows 1

In today’s guest post coach Liz Scott reflects upon how she’s found a new meaning to what it is to be a coach.


by Liz Scott

"swallows" by Liz Scott

The swallow chicks have gone. For the past week I had been talking to them as passed through the garage. They had looked quizzically at me from the nest on the rafters, with their dark intelligent eyes. I’ll miss them.

Their parents left on their migration a week ago leaving the 3 chicks behind. Since then the youngsters have been out hunting all day and building up their strength and reserves for the long journey ahead. A few days ago they left and I felt a twinge of sadness.

They’ve been part of our lives ever since we found the speckled eggshells on the garage floor. We’ve watched them grow, seen their industrious parents feed them constantly and we witnessed their first flight around the garage as they learned to use their wings.

It has been a huge blessing to observe these beautiful creatures taking their part and place in the world. There was no drama or crisis as each bird just effortlessly moved from egg to chick to fledgling.

The natural world seems to get on with life without any fuss; endless skies, changing seasons, migrating birds, ripening fruit, hibernating animals… and so the list goes on.

I can’t imagine nature has a to-do list that she keeps ticking off. There is a grace and humility to her work of constant regeneration. Nature is not a ‘thing’ or a ‘doing’ Nature is an energy that gently breathes beginnings on her ‘in’ breath and ends on her ‘out’ breath. An end is a beginning and a beginning is an end. There is a constant regeneration of life and death.

As a coach I have noticed within me a gentle spiritual awakening that has made some of the stuff I once found fascinating (money, clients, marketing, business) seem rather hollow. The things that once seduced me no longer hold the same fascination. I find I am more interested in wonder of the world (like the swallows). My focus now rests on witnessing the limitless flow of humanity and spirituality that dance through life. There is a simplicity and intense beauty that dwells within us.

Once I wanted to change the world. I thought coaching could make the world a better place. Now I realise my real purpose is to touch the spiritual depth inside me. When I do this then clients are able to touch their own wisdom and internal depth of peace within.

It seems that many coaches are in the transition of a spiritual awakening. Are you one of them? I am keen to come together with coaches who are finding new meaning to what it is to be a coach. If you find you are fascinated and absorbed by the steady beauty of nature, or if you are experiencing a spiritual transition then get in touch. I’d love to hear your story and discover how it is showing up in your coaching.

About Liz Scott

Liz Scott ( is a leadership coach working in schools and businesses. Her coaching (and life) is being transformed by the development of her understanding of the Three Principles. If you’d like to learn more then you can download an introduction to The Three Principles

Liz is hosting a Three Principles event this November. For a full list of speakers and more details visit the Coaching Connect 3P event site


Are you coaching from your head or from your heart? 4

Transformative Coach Katri Manninen shares her thoughts about coaching and clients insights in today’s guest post:

Are you coaching from your head or your heart

Are you coaching from your head or from your heart?

By Katri Manninen

Have you ever noticed, how sometimes a random statement you make without thinking seems to cause your client to have a major insight? Or even worse: your client shrieks joyfully “Oh, that’s it! I get it! Thank you!” …and you have no idea what you just said?

How many times you have thought you fully understand what is going on with your client, but when you explain it to them, they stare at you as if you just said sun doesn’t exist? Or even worse, they mutter something like “yeah, but…” and then go on a rant that proves your point wrong? Suddenly the mood in the room becomes tense and oppositional and you feel that you lost the connection to your client.

I have experienced the both scenarios, and for the first year I was coaching it puzzled me. How could I help my clients to have more insights, when I didn’t know how I had helped to have their initial insights? How could I stop myself from ruining the good feeling between me and my client when I felt the urge to help them?

Then I joined Michael Neill’s Supercoach Academy [] and learned the three principles behind the human experience. I learned when to speak and when to shut up by noticing where my thoughts and words seemed to come from. Were they coming from my heart: my inner wisdom and the intelligent energy behind life — or from my head: my personal intelligence, opinions, judgements and prejudices?

When I’m speaking from my heart, I feel grounded and open. My body feels relaxed and light. My mind is calm and clear. The words and thoughts seem to be coming deep inside me, from my gut or my heart. Or more precisely: they feel like they’re coming through me, not from me.

When I’m in the heart-space, I’m often surprised by what I say — and so are my clients. I just seem to know instinctively what to ask — and when to be quiet — even when it doesn’t make sense to me.

When I’m speaking from my head, I’m thinking a lot. Sometimes so much I don’t really hear the client anymore. All my thoughts seem to be coming from my head. I may feel energetic and enthusiastic, but if I listen closely to my body, I notice my body is tense and closed.

When I’m in the head-space, my words are calculated and statements manipulative. I feel like a puppeteer trying to pull the right strings to make my client to see what’s best for them. I feel smart and important… That is, until my “wisdom” fails to hit its target and my eagerness to help the client ruins the mood in the room.

When I’m speaking from my heart, I don’t care if my clients get what I’m saying or not. I know that they have access to the same infinite wisdom as I do, and that they will eventually find the answers they’re looking for. My job is just to be present and point them to the right direction. That’s all.

When I’m speaking from my head, outcome is everything. I want my clients to understand me. I have a need to add value and make a difference. If they resist my suggestions, I feel irritated or disappointed. I start to think that either I’m a failure or they’re “un-coachable”.

Today I do most of my coaching from my heart. Yes, sometimes I fall into the trap of my own thinking and have an irresistible urge to say something smart or give advice. The minute I notice what I’ve done, I laugh at myself — sometimes out loud.

This new approach has made coaching feel light and easy while my clients are having amazing breakthroughs. This understanding has also changed my marriage and other relationship. It’s mind-blowing how seldom people really need my opinions and advice — and how often just being present and loving is more than enough.

About the Author/Further Resources

Katri Manninen is a Transformative Coach (™) on a mission. Her goal is to create Fearless World 2022 by teaching three principles and helping people to tap into their inner wisdom. She has committed to being The Most Powerful Coach in the World by being fully present and open with all of her clients — regardless if they’re desperate housewives she’s coaching pro bono or successful entrepreneurs with multi-million businesses.

If you understand Finnish, check out her website: . If you’d like to experience the space where miracles can happen, email her: ku***@ku***.net


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