
So You Want Results? Here Is the Formula

In this week’s guest post coach Janet Zaretsky shares some of her knowledge and experience in:

So You Want Results? Here Is the Formula

By Janet Zaretsky

"So You Want Results? Here Is the Formula" By Janet Zaretsky

As I was talking to my client, Sarah, she is complaining that she is working very hard and is not getting the results she wants. So, we get into a conversation about why that is and discover that she was doing great, producing the results she wanted in her business for months, and then… she simply stopped doing the activities she was doing that led to the results in the first place. Light bulb moment… she said, “I thought I did enough and now I could just coast!”. When she saw that ‘coasting’ cost her results, the fix was easy and turned her business results back around.

I find this is a common scenario and in all the work I do with my clients about their success, I have identified a formula that works brilliantly. Here is what I have identified and what you can do to produce results.

First, I know that most likely you ‘know’ this, but it is critical that you operate with this principle in mind: The only things that produces results is Action. Good intentions, good thoughts, wanting, thinking about it, hoping, does not produce results. Really. The only thing that produces actual, tangible results is action. Once you get yourself settled about that fact, the other 3 things that result in a failure to produce results are a function of:

1. Not making promises for results

2. Not taking sufficient amount of action

3. Ineffective actions

Let’s look more deeply into this:

1. Promised results:

a. You need to make promises and create some way of being accountable to someone, other than yourself to honor your promises. Why? Do a bit of an honesty check here- most of us are not reliable to honor promises to ourselves but are much more likely to honor promises when we have to tell someone else. This can be a coach, an accountability partner or a manager.

b. Promise results, not actions. After coaching thousands of people, one thing I know for sure- we, you and I, have good intentions. If you promise actions, you may fool yourself and do what you said, but not do what is needed to produce results. When that happens, you may get stymied as to why you are not producing results. I find it very effective to promise the result- which then has you in action and thinking creatively as you go along to produce the result.

2. Insufficient action:

a. You promise the result, then make a plan. You execute the plan. Then you evaluate the plan (depending on the promise you want to evaluate frequently). When you evaluate, you see that the actions you took were effective, but you did not take enough of them.

b. Easy fix: Build in more of the same actions.

3. Ineffective action:

a. You make the promise for the result. You create a plan. You execute the plan. You evaluate the result and you are not getting the desired results.

b. Evaluate the actions and see what actions were not effective.

c. Create a new plan of actions.

If you take the time to do this simple, yet powerful, strategy whenever you want to produce results, you will always have the power to create and produce what you want!

As always, I love to hear from you. Email me at ja***@th***************.com

About Janet Zaretsky

In all my years of coaching people one thing I know for sure; you are committed, brilliant and talented and …… sometimes, you doubt yourself, sometimes you get stopped and stuck. Sometime you just need a partner in having you succeed.

I started The Zenith Business to support you in getting everything you REALLY want, in your business, and your life.

I am not fluffy. I tell you like it is. I have a no-nonsense, direct and practical approach. I provide laser, intentional, results-producing business success coaching for entrepreneurs who are up to a big game. If you want someone who is powerful and effective in your corner, I am your coach.

My background includes my first career in large corporations and state agencies, as a Registered Nurse, where I did direct care, management, design and implementation of systems and teams for 21 years.

My second career, as a professional coach, launched in 1996 in the infancy of this industry. This suited me- my mom was right when she said I was a rebel and loved a challenge! Now, almost 20 years later, I have had the privilege of coaching, speaking, designing and leading workshops and courses to over 31,000 people.

I love coaching people to be the best “them” they can be. I have discovered how great people are and how easily we all get stuck and even stopped from achieving our own potential.

I am good at what I do. One of my favorite things someone said about me as a coach is “You are a rare piece of art that cuts through the junk and has people be at the source of manifesting their life by design. You are a master of distinguishing, recognizing, motivating people to see, create, plan and take action in their life and those things that matter to them.”

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Article Source: So You Want Results? Here Is the Formula

Ezinearticles expert page: Janet Zaretsky


10 Easy Ways You Need To Know To Grow A Business

In today’s guest post coach Leslie Hassler turns attention towards actually establishing and running a business as she offers:

10 Easy Ways You Need To Know To Grow A Business

by  Leslie Hassler

"10 Easy Ways You Need To Know To Grow A Business" by Leslie Hassler

How many months have you been investing in your business to see no results?

Here’s the interesting thing I’ve learned from being in business and coaching other small businesses to grow.

All the marketing and sales strategies work… in their own time.

Chances are that you have worked hard and doing the ‘right’ things to grow your business. You just have focused on the big sexy strategies that bring in business in the long-term, but have you hearing crickets in the short-term.

If that’s you, know this – you aren’t alone. In fact 85% of the businesses I work with are doing the same. If they can change things around and see results in the next 90 days – you can too. Here are the top 10 ways you can grow a business easily and quickly.

1. Balance out your marketing mix to include short-term (results in 90 days), medium (results in 90-180 days) and long-term (results in 180+ days).

2. Be more active in your marketing. If you wait for your phone to ring, you need to do more marketing that boosts your “Know, Like & Trust Factor”. The fastest way is through being were your clients are and talking to them. If you need to grow your business, don’t wait for business to come to you!

3. Build Out Your Circle of Influence. Have you ever played the game ‘6 degrees of Kevin Bacon’? Think of the people who through the course of their work touch your ideal client. Seek out partnerships and alliances with those businesses who best represent how you like to do business. Developing relationships with a few key people is a quick path to cash

4. Ask Your Clients To Buy Again. It’s easy to focus on getting new clients and new projects in the door, but your existing clients are more profitable. Reach out to any previous client who hasn’t purchased in the last 6 months or a year. Let them know how valuable they have been to you and see if there is anything you can do for them now.

5. Ask Your Clients For Referrals. If you love your clients, then you’ll probably love their referrals. Always be asking for referrals as a course of business, but even if the client you just called in #4 doesn’t have work for you, Then ask, “Who do you know who… ?”

6. Raise Your Price. I know this seems simple, but most people don’t adjust their pricing in accordance to their costs. I had a client who lost 20% in gross profits because she unknowingly she had undercharged. The change in her business puts $100,000 to her bottom line. I know this is a sensitive area, but know most buyers won’t even register a 10% increase in price.

7. Re-evaluate Your Profitability Priorities. It’s easy to say yes to subscriptions and little extras in your business – but you could be nickel and diming yourself to death. Cancel any unused subscription no matter how good of an idea it might be, trim back on the nice-to-have expenses and create cash to put into the growth of your business.

8. Stop Being Busy, Start Being Effective. Take a good hard look at what you do with your day. The top three things an entrepreneur or small business owner needs to do is 1.) Find The Money, 2.) Sell The Money & 3.) Serve The Money. How much green is in your calendar? If it isn’t a revenue generating task – dump it or delegate it.

9. Stop Doing It By Yourself. Gone are the days when small businesses can be successful in a silo, You get no trophy for doing it on your own. Invest in people who want to invest in you through accountability partners, masterminds or coaching. You will leap-frog your competition when you stand on the shoulders of giants.

10. Don’t Make It Harder. Simplicity and ease is what wins in business. If it sounds to hard, it probably is – especially if you are doing it alone. It’s better to keep things simple when putting together a growth plan for your business. Doing small things every day add up to a big result in the end. The easier things are, the easier they are to be consistent and sustainable. Most businesses stall out because they can’t sustain their efforts – don’t be one of them.

Use one or all of these strategies to kick-start the growth of your small business!

About Leslie Hassler

Leslie Hassler, business coach and owner of Your Biz Rules, helps women business owners to become the HERO in their business in a way that gives them more freedom to grow their business and be with their families. As a business growth coach Leslie helps smart businesses across industries avoid the pitfalls, get real results quicker in a way that is about working smarter, not harder. In her practical and grounded approach, you learn how to zero in on what works, generate results and create a business that is a win for your clients, for yourself and your family.

Contact Information:

Leslie Hassler

Your Biz Rules

Dallas, TX



Article Source: 10 Easy Ways You Need To Know To Grow A Business Expert page:  Leslie Hassler



Resolution Boycott

In this weeks guest post performance coach Anna-Marie Watson shares some of her knowledge and expertise:

Resolution Boycott

By Anna-Marie Watson

"Resolution Boycott" by Anna-Marie Watson

Over three weeks ago nearly two thirds of the British population will have diligently made well-intended New Year Resolutions in a resolve to get fitter (36% of women and 30% of men), eat more healthily (36% of women and 26% of men) or take more care of their appearance (15% for both women and men). Yet only 31 days later by the end of January 32% will have broken these resolutions (YouGov, 2015). So this year I simply decided to continue with my usual routine that balances work, fitness, healthy eating, family relationships and friendships into everyday life.

The New Year Resolution ritual harks back over 4,000 years ago to ancient Mesopotamia when the Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of each year (Holloway, 2014). The concept of self-improvement continued through the Roman period and Medieval era with religious overtones and is now firmly embedded in 21st Century Western society life. This entrenched “New Year, New You” social and cultural construct is absurdly timed in the post-Christmas festive lull and coldest winter month of January, not potentially the most conducive to achieve transformational long-standing results.

Resolutions are simply a motivational mechanism to reinvent oneself yet the majority of people aren’t ready to invest mentally or biologically in transformational change. Williams (2014) describes resolutions as a form of “cultural procrastination” as we set unrealistic goals and expectations that are out of alignment with our internal perception. In addition, our human biological process to alter habitual behaviour and change thoughts uses a substantial amount of mental energy to physically rewire neural pathways. Neuro-scientific research has proved through MRI scans that rather ironically the default habitual thought of “not doing” something merely strengthens the neural pathway rather than create new ones. So what’s the alternative?

If there’s an inner urge to join the list-making masses opt to celebrate your work and life achievements from 2015 instead. Then moving forwards on a monthly basis routinely identify five moments to appreciate yourself, your business, your professional and personal development, your relationships and your successes (check out my Facebook page Reach for More. or Twitter @rfmcoaching for my “Monthly Memories”).

This conscious “attitude of gratitude” process based on positive psychology becomes engrained in our neural pathways. Rational and positive thinking therefore becomes habitual as “conscious appreciation establishes appreciation as an ongoing and stable cognitive habit” (Taylor, 2014). This mindset of gratitude wields immense power over our mood, wellbeing, energy levels, perspective, communication and relationships. In turn, these positive effects ripple across our entire lives with reduced blood pressure, lowers cortisol, better sleep, fewer physical symptoms…the list continues. Boycott the resolution, embrace gratitude and give yourself permission to celebrate success.

ExerciseTake a moment to consider your top 5 memories from 2015.

Once you’ve decided it would be great to share your thoughts within our Coaching Confidence community.



Holloway, A. (2014). Ancient History of New Year’s Resolutions. [ONLINE] Available at: Accessed 18 December 15.

Taylor, S. (2014). The Power of Appreciation. [ONLINE] Available at: Accessed 21 December 15.

Williams, R. (2014). Why People can’t keep their New Year’s Resolutions. [ONLINE] Available at: Accessed 21 December 15.

YouGov (2015). 63% of Brits are planning to make New Year Resolutions. [ONLINE] Available at: Accessed 21 December 15.


About Anna-Marie Watson

Anna-Marie is a performance coach who draws from NLP, sports psychology, neuroscience, positive psychology and mindfulness theory to craft industrious and dynamic coaching partnerships with clients who yearn for more and desire balance within their life. She integrates Analytic-Network ( and mBraining ( methodologies to unlock and unleash transformational change. Anna-Marie’s specialty is “walking & talking” where the Great Outdoors inspires facilitates deep level insights, encourages different perspectives and ultimately optimises performance.

AnnReach For Morea-Marie has been at the forefront of leadership and personal development for over 15 years working with high performing individuals and teams across three continents. Anna-Marie’s core values of growth, balance and energy are reflected in her business Reach for More. where improving yourself is an all round experience.

For more information on Anna-Marie’s performance coaching services, visit

Connect with Anna-Marie on Social Media




